General Hospital Fanon Wikia

A.D.A. Molly Lansing-Davis is the daughter of attorneys Ric Lansing and Alexis Davis and the niece of Port Charles mob boss Sonny Corinthos.

She was born onscreen on November 10, 2005.

In 2009, the character of Molly was aged to 10 years old when actress Haley Pullos took over the role.

As of March 14, 2013; she has been de-SORASed to 15-years-old, which puts her re-revised birth year from 1996 back to 1997.

Molly is known as being "smart" and bullied for being a "nerd". Molly also suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2011.




In November 2005, a train crash occurs in Port Charles in the Glencoe tunnel. Alexis and Ric, married at the time, are both on the train. They both survive, but Alexis goes into labor. Dr. Robin Scorpio ends up having to perform an emergency C-section on Alexis to save the baby (who was lodged in the birth cannel) while they are still trapped in the tunnel. Ric and Robin manage to save the baby girl, despite the conditions she was born in. She is named after Titanic survivor Molly Brown. Molly is christened as Molly Lansing on November 23, 2005.

When she and her father knew that the Metro Court Hotel hostage crisis occurred in February 2007 by her uncle Sonny and father Ric's enemy Jerry Jacks under the alias James Craig in revenge for Ryan Chamberlain; that's where all authorities like fire, medical, and police came in during her father's time as the District Attorney because that was his job months after Diane Miller arrived and was scared along with her cousins Michael and Morgan, and Kristina who is also her half-sister. The aftermath of that event left her, Michael, Morgan, and Kristina unharmed and traumatized along with Diane Miller before the return of Molly's uncle Sonny's longtime enemy Cesar Faison five years later because Molly was too young after Diane became Molly's babysitter because of Mayor Garrett Floyd and the S.W.A.T. team. Ric leaves town in 2009, and leaves Molly with Alexis in Port Charles.

Molly is rapidly aged to 10 years old in July 2009, and is shown as a very smart girl who is able to get along with her mother and her two half-sisters, Kristina Corinthos-Davis and Sam McCall. She is usually studying or doing a project, but she enjoys learning. She enjoys Shakespeare and is not afraid to talk to adults on their level. Molly is also a bit of a romantic, often reading romance novels and trying to set up her friends and family with people, most notably setting up romantic evenings for Sam and her fiancé, Jason Morgan. When Alexis' one night stand with the mayor is exposed, both Kristina and Molly are affected.

Molly Lansing-Davis in civil court

Molly on the witness stand testifying for the lawsuit against Mayor Janice Lomax in civil court

In March 2016, Molly was in civil court in a lawsuit against Mayor Janice Lomax who violated everybody's constitutional rights including her cousin Morgan who was unable to testify against her because of him being committed at Freedman Clinic leading to T.J. Ashford and Epiphany Johnson testifying on Morgan's behalf with judge James Horowitz presiding when her father Ric decided to take action against her as Molly is with the American Civil Liberties Union along with her father Ric, her mother Alexis, her uncle Sonny, and her sisters Kristina and Sam.

In October, Molly's cousin Morgan dies in a car explosion caused by Olivia Jerome who was revealed to be alive and well in 2017 who also framed her uncle Sonny for the crime.

In February; Molly became an aunt again when her sister, Sam gave birth to her daughter, Scout Morgan before Olivia Jerome was imprisoned at D'Archum Asylum a month later and the armed robbery at the Floating Rib by brothers Chris and Paul Gentry who were in revenge for Olivia Jerome a week later.

In April, she broke her right arm while texting and walking.

In May, it was revealed that Molly took Scout and presumably Danny to the zoo. Molly did not attend the 2017 Nurses' Ball.

In June, Molly is seen with T.J. and meets his aunt Stella and accidentally spills the beans by telling her that Shawn Butler is T.J.'s biological father.

In March 2018, Molly was brought to General Hospital by Julian Jerome after she suffered from a broken rib after being pinned down by some rubble during an earthquake one month after the deaths of Cesar Faison and Nathan West.

On February 22, 2021; T.J. and Molly had their commitment ceremony to become domestic partners.

On March 2, 2023; T.J. and Molly arrive at her sister Sam McCall's penthouse. Molly complains that she's been sick lately, claiming it must be the bug that's going around. When they get inside, her sister Kristina Davis is also there to surprise them with an anniversary party.

On September 11, Molly was recused from the case when it came to her uncle Sonny as her father Ric is doing his best as an attorney when the feds made a deal with Valentin and Cyrus as judge Ron Jarrett appeared thinking that Sonny committed crimes against the True Believers and that the judge was attempting to avenge for judge Naomi Carson. Revealing that she spent time with T.J. as well as Diane's children Keith and Sally.

On October 13, Molly gains Nina Reeves as his aunt by marriage to Molly's uncle Sonny as she was unable to attend the wedding at the same time that Cyrus Renault was released from prison.

On July 29, Molly meets FBI agent John Cates previously (Jagger Cates) who's been after Molly's uncle Sonny.

Crimes Committed[]

  • Obstruction of justice; knew her cousin Michael went after Claudia Zacchara, but didn't say anything [2010; her cousin Michael returned the favor five years later in 2015 about stolen ELQ shares]
  • Released Lucy Coe from custody; not even her cousin Michael nor attorney/babysitter Diane Miller could stop her [Feb 2013]

Health and Vitals[]

  • Born via emergency C-section, in a tunnel following a train crash, because she was too big to fit through the birth canal [Nov 2005]
  • Wasn't breathing when she was born (received CPR from her father and recovered) [Nov 2005]
  • Traumatized as an infant in the aftermath of the Metro Court Hotel hostage crisis along with her cousins Michael and Morgan Corinthos, her maternal half-sister Kristina Davis and Diane Miller who later became her babysitter [Feb 2007]
  • Cursed under the spirit of her late step-grandmother Helena Cassadine [Feb 19, 2016; shown from Feb 23-24, 2016]
  • Broken rib after being pinned down by some rubble during an earthquake (rendered unconscious as a result) one month after the deaths of Cesar Faison and Nathan West [revealed Mar 2018]
  • Fell under the influence of FBI agent John Cates [Aug 8-30, 2024]


  • Elisha Adams - Officer of the Port Charles Police Department
  • Leah Adams
  • Andy Archer
  • Curtis Ashford - Her former domestic partner T.J.'s uncle
  • Jordan Ashford - Her former domestic partner T.J.'s mother, former Commissioner of the Port Charles Police Department, current Deputy Mayor of Port Charles, and the late Eileen Ashby's successor
  • Franco Baldwin - Molly's former enemy and former Art Therapist at General Hospital (deceased)
  • Hayden Barnes - Franco's female counterpart/sister-in-law and former financial advisor at General Hospital
  • Saira Batra
  • J.B. Brown
  • Shawn Butler - Her former domestic partner T.J.'s father and former owner and publisher of The Invader now living in San Francisco 13 miles from Berkeley
  • Rory Cabrera - Rookie officer of the Port Charles Police Department (deceased)
  • Naomi Carson - Court judge Epiphany's friend
  • Amber Chua - Court judge
  • Patrick Drake - Molly's former doctor and her uncle Valentin's counterpart now living in Berkeley
  • Naomi Dreyfus - (deceased)
  • Toussaint Dubois
  • Carol Ferris - aka Star Sapphire
  • Hamilton Finn - Now living in Seattle
  • Russell Ford - Former Chief of Staff at General Hospital (deceased)
  • Gabriella Foster - Court judge
  • Andrew Grey - Cyrus' son with an unknown woman
  • Liz Grey - Cyrus' daughter with an unknown woman
  • Martin Grey
  • Stella Henry - Her former domestic partner T.J.'s great aunt
  • James Horowitz - Court judge
  • Kiki Jerome - (deceased)
  • Epiphany Johnson - Former Head Nurse at General Hospital and Naomi Carson's friend (deceased)
  • Maxie Jones
  • Kyle Julian
  • Leo Julian
  • Koriand'r - aka Starfire
  • Rachel Lasser- Court judge
  • Kelly Lee
  • Richard Lowe - Court judge
  • Damaris Malloy
  • John Martinez - Officer of the Port Charles Police Department
  • Shane McAvoy
  • Andy Michaels
  • Diane Miller - Molly's friend who bores a striking resemblance to Ric, her uncle Sonny and Jason's former attorney, Molly's former babysitter, and Keith and Sally's mother now living in Los Angeles
  • Keith Miller - Diane's son with an unknown man
  • Sally Miller - Diane's daughter with an unknown man
  • Wayne Miller - Officer of the Port Charles Police Department
  • Leyla Mir
  • Jason Morgan - Molly's ex-brother-in-law and her nephew Danny's father
  • Alex Nash
  • Nora Newark - aka Star Sapphire
  • Delores Padilla - Now living in New York City
  • Monica Quartermaine - Molly's former doctor, adopted cousin Michael's biological paternal grandmother, and former General Hospital Chief of Staff
  • Natalie Rawles - Court judge
  • Tim Raymond - Captain of the S.W.A.T. team
  • Heather Roth
  • Horace Sanchez - Court judge
  • James Scorpio - Detective of the Port Charles Police Department
  • Robin Scorpio-Drake - Molly's friend, her father Ric's client, and longtime best friend of her uncle Sonny now living in Berkeley 13 miles from San Francisco
  • Ellen Scully - Officer of the Port Charles Police Department
  • Jake Spencer - Her nephew Danny's paternal half brother and Jason and Elizabeth's son
  • Luke Spencer - Molly's uncle Sonny's best friend (deceased)
  • Damian Spinelli - Private investigator
  • Georgie Spinelli
  • Henry Sullivan
  • Regina Thompson
  • Mildred Turner - Assistant District Attorney
  • Wayne Vickers
  • David Walters - Court judge and Monica's ex-boyfriend
  • Elizabeth Webber
  • Mary Wells - Friends with Molly, her uncle Sonny, her father Ric, and current Head Nurse at General Hospital
  • Lainey Winters
  • Johnny Zacchara - (imprisoned)

  • Hank Archer - aka Shiloh who bore a striking resemblance to the late Nathan West (deceased)
  • John Cates - FBI Special Agent, previously Jagger Cates (deceased)
  • Harry DeFranco - Armed robber
  • Cesar Faison - Molly's uncle Sonny's longtime enemy and the late Olivia Jerome's male counterpart (deceased)
  • Ron Gallo - Sniper working for Pikeman Security Group who grazed Ava's hand and put her daughter and Molly's cousin Avery in the line of fire
  • Hadley - Jerry's female associate (deceased)
  • The Hook - Serial killer best known to conceal her face and identity for most of 2022 until New Year's Eve revealed to be the late Franco Baldwin's biological mother Heather Webber (captured)
  • Jerry Jacks - Molly's uncle Sonny's and her father Ric's longtime enemy who is currently nowhere to be found
  • Olivia Jerome - The late Cesar Faison's female counterpart and Avery Jerome-Corinthos' aunt (deceased)
  • Daisy Kwan - Now living in Beechers Corners
  • Harmony Miller - (deceased)
  • Cyrus Renault - Her uncle Sonny and her father Ric's new enemy, Nikolas' uncle, and Charlotte's great uncle who bores an uncanny resemblance to the late Cesar Faison and former Chairman of the Board at General Hospital due to Valentin Cassadine being the CEO of ELQ before Cyrus began to look like Johnny Zacchara 25-30 years later as well as bore an uncanny resemblance to the late Victor Cassadine
  • Winston Rudge - The late Olivia Jerome's accomplice and her uncle Valentin Cassadine's associate from South Africa who bores an uncanny resemblance to Valentin (imprisoned)
  • Jenz Sidwell - Molly's uncle Valentin Cassadine and the late FBI Special Agent John Cates' bald international warlord counterpart, CEO of SRE Worldwide, and owner of Wyndemere Castle
  • Stone - Ultimate villain whose face, identity, and physical appearance concealed just like "The Hook" killer before she was revealed to be Heather Webber
  • Eric Watson - Armed robber
  • Heather Webber - aka "The Hook" now living in Sedona, Arizona
  • Anthony Zacchara - (deceased)
