General Hospital Fanon Wikia

Dr. Andre Maddox, MD is a fictional character on General Hospital.


On November 28, Franco met with Andre at GH who examined him and Franco said it looked like mad science. Andre promised Franco that he will not go through with the procedure without his consent and that he could change his mind at anytime. Franco and Andre agreed that the procedure will be done tomorrow.

Andre later went to Anna's house and revealed that Franco decided to have the procedure reversed after all, much to Peter's dismay.

Crimes Committed[]

Health and Vitals[]


  • Helena Cassadine - Donald and Charlotte's paternal grandmother (deceased)
  • Stavros Cassadine - (deceased)
  • Valentin Cassadine - Helena's son with Victor and Donald and Charlotte's father
  • Steven Culp - Former editor of The Invader
  • Chris Gentry - (imprisoned)
  • Paul Gentry - (imprisoned)
  • Jim Harvey - (deceased)
  • Bryce Henderson - (deceased)
  • Olivia Jerome - Valentin's associate (imprisoned)
  • Winston Rudge - Olivia and Valentin's associate from South Africa who bores an uncanny resemblance to Valentin (imprisoned)
